5 ways to use your Rolling Mill Machine

Hand in hand, jewelry rolling mills and jewelry studios are one another. Some jewelers use their rolling machines to imprint designs on an annealed sheet of metal. Other artists use a rolling machine as the main raw material worker in their studios. You can see these and other uses in action.

1. Embossing patterns on sheet metal

Our studio rolling mill was used primarily to run brass pattern sheets though it. It was fun to put patterns on the annealed copper sheet. I was able to quickly create patterns on a sheet of copper metal that was ready for use.

2. Use scrap to melt and roll it into usable sheet

Michael David Sturlin’s retreat taught me how important a roll mill was and helped me to appreciate it. This was the first experience I had with scrap metal being melted into an ingot.

3. Draw Down Wire Gauges

This changed my perception of rolling mills as tools. I tried it out on a recent project. When I was learning to wire wrap, we ran out of the gauge I needed.

4. Harden your Sheet Metal

Sometimes, you may need to harden metal. A rolling mill is great at hardening wire and sheet. As you know, annealing is required in order to imprint metal. However, you will need to harden your metal with each pass through the mill.

5. Fold Forming

Although you can fold the metal by hand, the creases that form in your metal will look much sharper if you use a rolling-mill to make them. The metal folds will look tighter and sharper, so you might consider using a rolling mill to form all your jewelry. It’s worth a shot! If you have other question in choosing jewelry casting machine, please feel free to contact us.